Moscow, Russia
August 7, 2015
So I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect of Moscow. Since we are moving every few days… we do not always have time to research our destination ahead of time.1 But I think that generally speaking my expectation was for drab, concrete, Soviet-era buildings. Like these:
And of course I expected to see Candy Land St. Basil’s Cathedral 2 located in Red Square:
But I thought maybe that would be it.3 So I had very low expectations for the visual-tourist walking around that we like to do so much.
However. Was I ever неправильно ! 4
This is a gorgeous city! We’ve had sooo much fun walking around and checking out the beautiful architecture.5 Great little gems like this:

вау (wow !)
… and this:

хороший (nice !)
…and this:

прекрасный (beautiful !)
…and this:

безусловно, не скучно Советский (Certainly not Soviet-boring !)
… and this:

Ну не то, что просто прелесть (well isn’t that just lovely !)
and this:

Потрясающие города (stunning city !)
…and lastly this one:

Кто нуждается в Париж (who needs Paris ?) (Qui a besoin de Paris ?)
Even the subways were amazingly ornate and grand:67
So as we were walking around, after the first six hours or so Lauren agreed that the city reminded us more of Paris than of any cold, concrete, Soviet-era stereotype that we had in mind.
Very impressed.
Mosc-wow, Russia.
Thanks for reading,
Understatement. Often it’s on the train/bus ride into the city from the airport. ↩
…which is officially called Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat. Apparently by no one for good reason… ↩
#BadTourist ↩
wrong ↩
I am not responsible for any google translate errors on the captions that follow, k? ↩
More on this when gets that post up.↩
Oh. And here’s looking at you, CTA… ↩
Sorry Mr. Budny, the country/city name-puns shall continue until morale improves! ↩
Comments 6
Beautiful! Love these pictures Enjoy!
If the puns must continue, then Soviet. Putin the work, stop Stalin, and find some more. Winter is coming, hope you don’t get Snowden.
Nice. Ural really funny guy; that comment was the creme de la Kremlin. But… this means cold war! Ivan thinking of a few replies, but there is a caviar-t to this and I don’t want my reply to be Sochi-zy. And this could go on forever… so tsar you sure you want to do this, Dan?
P.S. – work a Dostoevsky pun in there and you automatically win
I’ll be Praguematic (sorry, its not Russia, but the Czechs are Slavs) and yield the floor
Well. The “the Soviet” comment was awesome. had never heard that one before. well done.