So. A few weeks into the trip and the Official-#1-Purchase-Which-We-Couldn’t-Complete-The-Trip-Without™ has already been decided: 1
My little $15 Casio dual timezone watch. Because we obviously can’t be bothered with things like adding twelve when we are in Beijing and need to know what time it is in Detroit.
So I present: Johnny Cas 2

“Hello – I’m Johnny Cas…”
The End 3
Lauren has no idea I’m posting this and might disagree. But she’s wrong. She also has no idea that I said that. Yet.↩
Those who know me well know that I have a habit of getting attached to random things and naming them. Our car (Grey Wind), my hockey stick (Blue Steel), my goalie stick (red thunder), my jungle hat (Hossa… more on him later), etc. The list goes on and on…↩
Until Lauren reads this…↩